Ryan Abernathey COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY Assistant Professor, Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory
Jess Adkins CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY & Calcarea Smits Family Professor
Xuyuan (Ellen) Ai Princeton University
Guleed Ali SUNY Stony Brook
Karen Alley University of Manitoba Assistant Professor
Ted Amdur Harvard University PhD Candidate
Robert Anderson COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY Ewing Lamont Research Professor, Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory
Alexander Audet University of Nevada Reno Graduate Research Assistant
Jacqueline Austermann Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University
Daniel Babin COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY Graduate Student, Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory
Allie Balter-Kennedy COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY Graduate Student, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory,
Yuntao Bao Ohio State University Post doc
Edouard Bard COLLÈGE DE FRANCE Professor Chair Climate & Ocean Evolution
Stephen Barker CARDIFF UNIVERSITY Professor in Earth Science
Jeremy Bassis University of Michigan
Cameron Batchelor Massachussetts Institute of Technology Postdoctoral Fellow
David Battisti UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON Professor & Tamaki Endowed Chair Dept. of Atmospheric Sciences
Rebecca Beadling University of Arizona Graduate Student
Joseph Berry STANFORD UNIVERSITY Professor Department of Global Ecology Carnegie Institution for Science
Tripti Bhattacharya Syracuse University
Sean Birkel THE UNIVERSITY OF MAINE Research Assistant Professor Climate Change Institute
Isaiah Bolden University of Washington Doctoral Candidate
Douglas Boyle University of Nevada Reno at Lake Tahoe Associate Vice Provost for Research and Creative Activities at UNR Lake Tahoe
Scott Braddock The University of Maine & Climate Change Institute Phd Student
Wallace Broecker COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY Newberry Professor of Geology Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory
Gordon Bromley NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF IRELAND GALWAY Lecturer in Physical Geography & Climate
Ed Brook OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY Distinguished Professor of Earth, Ocean & Atmospheric Sciences
Frankie Buckingham University of Oxford
Christo Buizert OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY Assistant Professor
Suzanne Carbotte COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY Bruce C. Heezen Research Professor Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory
Stacy Carolin UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD Postdoctoral Research Associate
Nishant Chauhan University of Oxford
Tianyu Chen NANJING UNIVERSITY School of Earth Sciences & Engineering
Hai Cheng UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA Senior Research Scientist College of Earth Sciences
John Chiang UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY Professor & Graduate Advisor, Department of Geography
Winnie Chu Georgia Institute of Technology Assistant Professor
Louis Claxton University of Oxford
Amy Clement University of Miami Professor
Becca Cleveland Stout The University of Washington Graduate Student
Kim Cobb Georgia Tech Professor
Philip Conkling PHILIP CONKLING & ASSOCIATES Writer Island Institute Founder
Kassandra Costa COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY Graduate Student, Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory
Hamish Couper University of Oxford
Stephen Cox COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY Postdoctoral Research Scientist, Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory
Roger Creel Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Christopher Day UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD Research Fellow in Stable Isotopes
Peter de Menocal COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY Dean of Science Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory
George Denton THE UNIVERSITY OF MAINE Professor, School of Earth & Climate Sciences, Climate Change Institute
Edmund Derby University of Oxford PhD student
Alice Doughty The University of Maine
Andrea Dutton University of Wisconsin-Madison
Larry Edwards UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA Regents, Gunn, & Distinguished McKnight University Professor Department of Earth Sciences
Laura Endres ETH Zürich Professor
Jenna Epifanio Oregon State University Graduate Student
Jesse Farmer Princeton University Postdoc
Michaela Fendrock MIT-WHOI Joint Program PhD Candidate
Kelly Fenton-Samuels Columbia University
Abigail Foerstner NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY Assistant Professor, Medill School of Journalism
Roger Fu HARVARD UNIVERSITY Assistant Professor, Dept. of Earth & Planetary Sciences
Sophie Gill University of Oxford Department of Earth Sciences
Justin Gillis Journalist
Yonaton Goldsmith CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Postdoctoral Scholar, Geochemistry
Julia Gottschalk Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University Postdoctoral Research Scientist
R.J. Graham University of Oxford
Alison Gray UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON Assistant Professor, School of Oceanography
Namrah Habib University of Oxford
Brenda Hall THE UNIVERSITY OF MAINE Professor of Glacial & Quaternary Studies, Climate Change Institute
Tricia Hall Collins The University of Maine
Wyatt Hansen University of Minnesota
Benjamin Hatchett UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, RENO Postdoctoral Fellow, Desert Research Institute
Stephanie Heath UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI Graduate Assistant
Sidney Hemming COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY Professor, Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory
Gideon Henderson University of Oxford and Defra Professor
John Higgins PRINCETON UNIVERSITY Assistant Professor, Department of Geosciences
Sophia Hines Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Assistant Scientist
David Hodell CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY Woodwardian Professor of Geology
Robert Holzman The University of Minnesota
Babette Hoogakker Heriot Watt University Research Fellow
Adam Hudson U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Postdoctoral Fellow
Peter Huybers Harvard University Professor of Earth and Planetary Sciences
Margaret Jackson DARTMOUTH UNIVERSITY PhD Student
Allison Jacobel COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY Postdoctoral Research Scientist Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory
Stein Jacobsen HARVARD UNIVERSITY Professor of Geochemistry
Patricia Joyner The University of Maine Undergraduate Student, School of Earth and Climate Sciences
Samuel Kachuck University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Tumaini Kamulali The University of Arizona Graduate Student
Michael Kaplan COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY Associate Research Professor, Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory
Richard Katz THE UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD Professor of Geodynamics Department of Earth Sciences
Benjamin Keisling University of Texas Research Associate
Meredith Kelly DARTMOUTH COLLEGE Associate Professor, Department of Earth Sciences
Dennis Kent COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY Adjunct Senior Research Scientist, Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory
Courtney King THE UNIVERSITY OF MAINE Ph.D. Student Climate Change Institute
Toby Koffman COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY Postdoctoral Research Scientist Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory
Gabriella Koltai University of Innsbruck
Oliver Kost ETH Zurich PhD student
Matthew Lacerra Princeton University PhD Candidate
Klaus Lackner ARIZONA STATE UNIVERSITY Professor & Director of Center for Negative Carbon Emissions
Karim Lakhani Georgia Tech Graduate Student
Charles Langmuir HARVARD UNIVERSITY Professor of Geochemistry, Department of Earth & Planetary Sciences
Xianglei Li Department of Earth Sciences, University of Minnesota Postdoc
Zhengyu Liu Ohio State University Professor
Thomas Lowell UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI Professor, Department of Geology
John Lynch University of Oxford Postdoctoral Researcher
Jean Lynch-Stieglitz GEORGIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Associate Chair, Professor
Francis MacDonald HARVARD UNIVERSITY Associate Professor of Natural Sciences, Earth & Planetary Sciences
Gabriel Mangum Lehmann Columbia University
Julia Marks Peterson Oregon State University
Laura Mattas THE UNIVERSITY OF MAINE Student Researcher, Climate Change Institute
Gracelyn McClure The University of Minnesota
David McGee MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Kerr-Mcgee Career Development Assistant Professor
Jerry McManus COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY Professor, Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory
Sierra Melton Penn State University PhD Candidate
Jennifer Middleton COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY Postdoctoral Research Scientist, Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory
Maraina Miles The University of Maine Graduate Student
Minda Monteagudo Georgia Tech Graduate Student
Jacob Morgan Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO PhD Student
Gina Moseley UNIVERSITY OF INNSBRUCK, AUSTRIA Innsbruck Quaternary Research Group
Zachary Naiman THE UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA Systems Integration & Architecture
Meredith Nettles COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY Associate Professor, Earth & Environmental Sciences, Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory
Jessica Ng UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO PhD Student, Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Nathan Norris THE UNIVERSITY OF MAINE Graduate Student Climate Change Institute
Celeste Pallone Columbia University PhD Student
Dylan Parmenter University of Minnesota PhD Candidate
Frank Pavia Cal Tech Foster & Coco Stanback Postdoctoral Fellow
Carly Peltier COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY Graduate Student, Earth & Environmental Sciences
Jill Pelto THE UNIVERSITY OF MAINE Graduate Student, Climate Change Institute
Raymond Pierrehumbert University of Oxford Halley Professor of Physics
Sophia Pinter University of Wisconsin Madison PhD Student
Brad Plumer THE NEW YORK TIMES Journalist
Noel Potter THE UNIVERSITY OF MAINE M.S. Student/Research Assistant
Kelly-Marie Powell Columbia University Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory
Channing Prend University of Washington
Sarah Purkey UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO Assistant Professor, Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Aaron Putnam THE UNIVERSITY OF MAINE Associate Professor, School of Earth and Climate Sciences
Jay Quade THE UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA Professor, Soil Geochemistry
Mariah Radue THE UNIVERSITY OF MAINE Graduate Research Assistant, Climate Change Institute
Patrick Rafter UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA IRVINE Assistant Project Scientist
Zixuan Rao Princeton University PhD candidate
Brendan Reilly Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego Postdoc
Ros Rickaby University of Oxford Professor
Ben Riddell-Young Oregon State University PhD Candidate
Alexzander Roman The University of Maine
Joellen Russell THE UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA Thomas R. Brown Distinguished Chair of Integrative Science
Joerg Schaefer COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY Adjunct Professor & Head, Cosmogenic Dating Group Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory
Morgan Schaller RENSSELAER POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE Assistant Professor, Director of Environmental Sciences
Roseanne Schwartz COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY Staff Associate, Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory
Alan Seltzer Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Postdoctoral Scholar
Jeff Severinghaus UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO Professor of Geosciences, Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Sarah Shackleton UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO Graduate Student, Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Warren Sharp Berkeley Geochronology Center Geochronologist, Associate Director
Daniel Sigman PRINCETON UNIVERSITY Dusenbury Professor, Geological & Geophysical Sciences
Meghan Spoth University of Maine PhD Student
Elena Steponaitis TULANE UNIVERSITY Postdoctoral Fellow
Jessica Stevens GARY COMER COLLEGE PREP Teacher
Scott Stine CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, EAST BAY Professor Anthropology, Geography & Environmental Studies
Heather Stoll ETH Zurich Professor
Peter Strand THE UNIVERSITY OF MAINE Ph.D. Candidate
Jorge Strelin UNIVERSIDAD DE CORDOBA Senior Researcher Licenciado en Ciencias Geológicas
Stan Swierczek The University of Arizona
Lynne Talley UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO Distinguished Professor, Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Kaustubh Thirumalai The University of Arizona Assistant Professor
Holly Thomas THE UNIVERSITY OF MAINE School of Earth & Climate Sciences
Benjamin Tiger MIT-WHOI Joint Program PhD Candidate
Paul Töchterle University of Innsbruck PhD Student
Aleyda Trevino Harvard University Graduate Student
Katherine Turner University of Arizona & GFDL
Shannon Valley Georgia Tech Postdoctoral Researcher
Tyler Vollmer Georgia Tech OSE PhD Student & Presidential Fellow
Tess Walther University of Maine M.S. Graduate Student
Kathleen Wendt Oregon State University
Katie Westbrook The University of Maine Graduate Student
Lauren Woods The University of Maine
Jim Wright RUTGERS UNIVERSITY Professor & Graduate Program Director, Dept. of Earth & Planetary Sciences
Wang Xianfeng EARTH OBSERVATORY OF SINGAPORE Assistant Professor
Nicolas Young COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY Assistant Research Professor, Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory
Yuxin Zhou University of California, Santa Barbara Postdoctoral Scholar
Anastasia Zhuravleva WHOI / GEOMAR